Life in the Valley Podcast

A podcast of Machias Valley Baptist Church. We want to give a space for our people to ask questions and think through topics that we have discussed in the past or are in the midst of discussing as church here in the Machias Valley area. Machias, Maine.

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Monday Jun 10, 2024

Episode 32.  This is part 2 of our discussion on Bible translations with guest Micah Perkins.  Micah is an elder at MVBC, and in this episode, we talk about the KJV (King James Version) only controversy.   
Recommended Reading:
Hosts:  Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor of MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications of MVBC
Submit your questions at

Monday Jun 03, 2024

Episode 31.  We continue our discussion on Bible translations with guest Micah Perkins.  Micah is an elder at MVBC and we dive deeper into the history of how we got our Bible translations.
Recommended Reading:
Hosts:  Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor of MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications of MVBC
Submit your questions at

Monday May 27, 2024

Episode 30.  In this episode, we talk about Bible translations and discuss these questions:
Why are there so many Bible translations?
How do I choose a Bible translation?
Why do you use the ESV?
Lifeway Bible Translation Continuum Chart
Pastor Zach’s Bible translation recommendations for everyday use:
Hosts:  Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor of MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications of MVBC
Submit your questions at

Monday May 20, 2024

Episode 29.  In this episode, we continue our Theology Talk series on spiritual disciplines and today we talk about fasting.
What is it?
What is the purpose of fasting?
How do we fast?
Why, in the Baptist denomination, do we not fast? Generally, it is not taught or practiced much. Why is that?
Can I change God’s mind by fasting?
How often should I fast?
Recommended Reading:
Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney
A Hunger for God by John Piper
Sermon on Fasting:
Fasting According to Jesus – Pastor Zach Vaughn – August 27,2023.
Hosts:  Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor of MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications of MVBC
Submit your questions at

Monday May 13, 2024

Episode 28.  In this episode, we continue our Theology Talk series on spiritual disciplines.  This is part 2 of the discipline of prayer where we answer several questions on prayer:
If God is sovereign and His will is supreme, why pray? What difference does it make?
Does God change His mind? Can my prayers change His mind?
Why do people always say “in Jesus’ name” at the end of their prayers?
Why do I struggle to stay focused while praying? I fall asleep or my mind wanders.
I get overwhelmed with all the things to pray for. When I see a prayer list, I feel defeated or it becomes rote to pray though. Any advice?
How do I know if it is God speaking to me….or just indigestion?
Hosts:  Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor of MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications of MVBC.
Submit your questions at

Monday May 06, 2024

Episode 27.  In this episode, we continue our Theology Talk series on the spiritual disciplines.  This is part 1 of the discipline of prayer. We break it down like this:
What is prayer?
Practicing the discipline of prayer.
Practical helps for your prayer life.
Book Recommendations:
Prayer by Timothy Keller
The Valley of Vision 
A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller
Every Moment Holy by Douglas Kaine McKelvey 
Hosts:  Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor of MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications of MVBC.
Submit your questions at

Monday Mar 25, 2024

Episode 26. As we enter Holy Week, we discuss Easter and the significance of the resurrection for us as followers of Christ.
What is it that Christians celebrate on Easter?
What is the importance of the resurrection?
Why do you think we don’t celebrate Easter as much as other holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, etc.?
Scripture references:
1 Corinthians 15:12-19
1 Corinthians 15:20-23
Ephesians 1:19
Romans 8:11
Do you have questions about the Bible or living out your faith? Submit your question at and we will try to answer in a future episode.
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications, MVBC

Monday Mar 18, 2024

Episode 25. In this episode, we answer a question submitted by a listener: “How do I know if I am really saved?”
1.  First, do you understand the gospel?
Romans 3:21-26; Hebrews 6:19-20; Galatians 3:26; John 10:27-30; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:13
Sealed with the Holy Spirit – Ephesians 1:13-14; 2 Corinthians 1:22
2.  If yes, then you can know you are really saved because God’s Word declares you are saved.
Adoption – Galatians 3:26
Union with Christ – Romans 5:11
Gifts from the Father to the Son – John 10:27-30; 17:11, 20-21
Read 1 John
3.  There is evidence or fruit of salvation.
Fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5:22-23
Love for God – Mark 12:30
Love for other Christians – John 13:35, Colossians 1:4,8; I John
Mortification of/grief over sin – Galatians 5:19-21; Romans 6; Romans 8:13-16
Alistair Begg video 
Assurance  - article by The Gospel Coalition
Do you have questions about the Bible or living out your faith? Submit your question at and we will try to answer in a future episode.
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications, MVBC

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

Episode 24. In this episode, we answer a question submitted by a listener: “Apostasy? Can you lose your salvation? Or were you never really saved to begin with? Respected Christians are on both sides of this debate so how should it be taught in church?”
Scripture references:  2 Thessalonians 2:3; Acts 21:21; Hebrews 6:4-8; John 10:27-30; Romans 8:15-16; Romans 10:13; 1 John 5:13
The Greek word apostasia is used two times: “a falling away, defection, apostasy”
2 Thessalonians 2:3 – a falling away (KJV) “apostasy” (NAS) “rebellion” (ESV)
Acts 21:21 – forsake (KJV)
Similar word apostasion is used three times: “1. divorce, repudiation; 2. a bill of divorce”
Matthew 5:31, Matthew 19:7, Mark 10:4 – all used when Jesus was addressing the issues of marital divorce
Based on this, apostasy is leaving the faith. Rejection of Christ. Rebellion against God.  It is the opposite of repentance (turning from sin to Christ).  Apostasy is turning away from Christ to sin.
Do you have questions about the Bible or living out your faith? Submit your question at and we will try to answer in a future episode.
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications, MVBC

Monday Mar 04, 2024

Episode 23.  In this episode, we continue our Theology Talk series on spiritual disciplines.  This is part 2 of the discipline of the Word.
Bible Reading Plans
Use Martin Luther’s Method:
Instruction – What does this passage tell me to do?
Praise – How does this passage make me worship God?
Confession – How does this passage call me to confess the way that I failed?
Petition – Ask for the Spirit to help you walk in obedience.
ESV app
Recommended Reading on our website
The Gospel Coalition free courses
Charles Simeon Trust courses
For the Church Institute courses
Help Me Teach the Bible with Nancy Guthrie podcast
Knowing Faith podcast
Hosts:  Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor of MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications of MVBC
Submit your questions at

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