
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Episode 14. Happy New Year! In this episode, we look back on 2023 and celebrate some of the good things that happened this year in three spheres - culturally, in the life of our church, and personally. In addition, we mention some of the resources that have been most helpful for us over the past year.
Recommended Resources
Pastor Zach's Recommendations:
Bible Talk Podcast
Prayer by Timothy Keller
Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund
Andrea's Recommendations:
Ministry Wives Podcast
Knowing Faith Podcast
Rebecca McLaughlin
Paige Brown
A Praying Life by Paul Miller
Trusting God by Jerry Bridges
Don't Waste Your Sports by CJ Mahaney

Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Episode 13. Merry Christmas! In this special Christmas episode, we have some fun talking about why Christmas is special for us and what makes it extra special for followers of Christ.
Fun Questions:
What is your favorite Christmas tradition in your family?
What is one of your most memorable Christmases and why?
What is your favorite Christmas carol?
What is your favorite part of the Christmas story?
Why is Christmas so important for Christians?
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus - Meredith Andrews
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications, MVBC

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Episode 12. Why does the New Testament start with a genealogy? Why is this important for the story of Christmas?
Matthew 1
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications, MVBC

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
This episode is a Theology Talk on the “missional.” What does it mean to be missional as a Christian? What does it mean to live on mission?
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications, MVBC

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
In this episode, we answer a question submitted by a listener: "How should Christians handle Santa Claus?"
Scripture references: Ephesians 2:8; Colossians 3:9; Colossians 1:15-18
Recommended resources:
1. "Saint Nicholas and the Origins of Santa Claus" by Stephen Nichols.
2. Advent Blocks/The King Is Coming
3. Luke 2:1-20
Do you have questions about the Bible or living out your faith? Submit your question at www.machiasvalley.org/questions and we will try to answer in a future episode.
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications, MVBC

Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
In this episode, we are following up with some questions from Sunday's sermon from November 26, 2023 - Mark 5:21-43, Christ's Authority Over Disease and Death. www.machiasvalley.org/sermons
Sermon Follow Up Questions/Thoughts:
1. Why did Jesus ask who touched Him? Doesn't He know everything?
2. The desperation of Jairus.
3. The doctrine of the intercession of Christ.
4. Song: Before the Throne of God Above
Essential Christianity by J.D. Greear
Read the book of Hebrews
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications at MVBC

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
In this episode, we answer the question: “Is there a way to balance what Jesus says about not caring what people think of His teaching and not being unnecessarily offensive? What would the common principles be?”
Scripture references: Ezekiel 34:1-6; 2 Corinthians 2:14-16
Do you have questions about the Bible or living out your faith? Submit your question at www.machiasvalley.org/questions and we will try to answer in a future episode.
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications, MVBC

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
In this episode, we answer the question, "How do I love my spouse when I don't love him?"
The purpose of marriage
The power of the Holy Spirit, God's Word, and prayer
Sister Support
Romans 8
1 John
Recommended Resources:
The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller
Loving Him Well (formerly Sacred Influence) by Gary Thomas
The Love Dare by Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick
Anchored Hope Biblical Counseling
Got questions? Submit your question at www.machiasvalley.org/questions and we will answer in a future episode.
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications, MVBC

Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
In this episode, we are following up with some questions from Sunday's sermon from October 22, 2023 - Mark 5:1-20, Satanic Swine and the Merciful Son. www.machiasvalley.org/sermons
Sermon Follow Up Questions:
1. Are there two demon possessed men or one? Matthew’s account indicates that there were two, but Luke and Mark only talk about one. Is this a discrepancy in Scripture?
2. In the text, the demon asks Jesus if he is there to torment him. Is that true? What does that mean?
3. Despite all of our “sidebar” questions that we may or may not have answers for, what is the main point of the passage? What is a good application question for us to think about?
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications at MVBC

Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
This episode is a Theology Talk on the “gospel.” What does the word gospel mean? How do we explain the gospel?
Greek word is “euaggelion” which means “good news”
It is an announcement, like when a king won a victory over an enemy
It is historical – the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ
It is about the work of Jesus alone
It is the key to understanding all of the Bible
A summary of the gospel can be found on our website at https://www.machiasvalley.org/the-gospel
Hosts: Zach Vaughn, Senior Pastor, MVBC and Andrea Lyford, Director of Education & Communications, MVBC